Contributed by Jake Ostreicher
When money is tight, which it often has been for me, I reach for ideas. I reach for resourceful ideas to eat and have fun. I learned this sandwich from my old boss. He learned it in jail. He called it a bang-bang and had many variations for it. You can add mackerel, veggies, honey or jalapenos to spice it up or use cola to boil the noodles instead of water. This is a decent meal for under four bucks!
THE RAMEN SANDWICH (presented by the dead broke cook book)
1 bag ramen (Chicken flavor is best)………….$.89
2 tbsp mayo…………………………………………….$2.50 jar/8 cents per tbsp
1 can chunk light tuna……………………………..$1.79
4 slices bread…………………………………………..$2.50 loaf/17 cents per slice
TOTAL PRICE…………………………………………$3.52 YIELDS 2 SANDWICHES

Step 1
Boil water in pan.

Step 2
Drop ramen noodles in water. Leave seasoning out.
Step 3
Cook to al dente. Drain noodles.

Step 4
Open seasoning and dump at least ¾ on top of the dry noodles. Add mayo and drained tuna and stir until all mixed.
Step 5
Turn the burner back on halfway and let the noodles sear at the bottom a bit. Turn off stove and let stand one minute.

Step 6
Divide in half and place between slices of bread. Enjoy.
Photos: Jake Ostreicher