From the intro to Volume 01 of The Creative Revolutionary's Handbook...
My wife, Wendy, and I just moved from Central Florida last year to Metrowest Massachusetts.
We’ve experienced Spring before, but never really lived in it like this. Outside our front door, I’m seeing little shoots of trees, plants, flowers, weeds and every other natural growing thing sprouting up.
The funny thing is, you never know during the winter where the little bits of new life are going to pop up. But the snow melts, the weather changes and there they all are, scattered about in no apparent pattern and growing like crazy.
That’s a little bit how I’d like you to look at this humble first issue of the Creative Revolutionary’s Handbook. It’s not much, but what it is is remarkable. Something that began as a bunch of random ideas and loosely connected people has become something with a life of its own. A tiny little sprout with the potential to become something big and beautiful.
So welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy this first entry in what will hopefully be a 100+ year project exploring the depths and heights of creativity, community, spirituality, and mission.